X-Fleet Ladder Matches

Previously Known as SL Rules

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SFC2 Ladder Match Approval Test:

1)       You will need permission from your Squad Leader to participate in ladder matches.  To gain his approval, you will need to demonstrate you are a capable and dedicated pilot. 

2)       X_Lord or XBoomslang will email you and set up a date/time when he will test you on your negotiation and flying skills and your knowledge about ladder match rules, bpvs, ships, etc. 

3)       If approved, create a Gamer-Z account.  You are obligated to keep your win ratio at 50% or greater; failure to do so after 20 games played will result in suspension from ladder matches.  If you are not approved, continue your training.  You can ask to be tested again in 2 weeks. 

4)       Check Ranks page for status.


Creating a Gamer-Z Account Upon Approval:

1)       Go to Gamer-Z

2)       Follow Directions

3)       NOTE:  Your X-Fleet callsign must have an X in front and cannot contain a title unless you hold that rank or higher in X-Fleet, i.e. Admiral.

4)       Inform XBoomslang of your new callsign; she will add you to the X-Fleet roster.




2)       Play with people within your experience level; failure to comply will result in a 2 week suspension from ladder matches if you are experience 1 or 2.  In the case of a 2v2, the rules will apply according to the highest experienced X member and that member will be held responsible.   If the highest X member is exp 1 or 2, then the X duo can only play against a team with exp 1 or 2.  If the highest X member is at least exp 3, then the X duo can play against any experienced team.

3)       Do not SL anyone or any members of a fleet on our Mutant List on our Diplomatic Relations page or you will be suspended from participating in ladder matches for 2 weeks.  These people/fleets are on our Mutant List because they are cheaters, dishonorable and/or cause us a lot of grief.

4)       Don’t be afraid to negotiate; negotiating can win the game without playing.  Try settling on a bpv in your favor and look at the ship selection charts for reference.

5)       Try not to play with people who have poor connections (modem) to avoid lag.



1)       Please alert your Admiral, Vice Admiral or a Squad Leader IMMEDIATELY if you have any questions or difficulties with a ladder match.   Do NOT play the match until everything is resolved; it is easier to delay the match than to dispute it afterwards.

2)     The key to resolving any dispute is having a chat log of events.  When negotiating with your opponent, don't use the microphone. TYPE your terms suggestions, as it will provide a clear way to help your Admiral, Vice Admiral, Squad Leader or Admins solve disputes.  Remember, EVIDENCE is the key to solving any dispute.


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